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What color are you? Did you have a defining moment?

June 15, 2020
What a strange set of circumstances has awakened a part of my brain that has been resting for many many years. Yes, its “Black Lives Matter.”—for the record–all lives matter–but this brought out the issue of skin color. Can you remember when you learned that your color had an affect on what you could do… View Full Article

Did you think you were a loner?

June 14, 2020
I used to think of myself as a loner. I have friends but I have never had one group of people that I “hang” with –I like all kinds of people and activities– I used to go to lectures, plays, museums etc. by myself and I enjoyed it. However, for the first time in my… View Full Article

Reality Check

September 3, 2019
Sometimes in life you have to stop some of your dreams and just learn to accept what the universe throws your way. It can be very hard–especially as you age for there isn’t a lot of time. And you have to look at the reality of what of what exists. More importantly, you have to… View Full Article


August 20, 2019
I am wondering if there really is a true meaning of the word friendship. “It is a relationship of mutual affection between people.” Im not certain it really exists like most people want it to. People have expectations and expect people to adhere to their expectations. Today when people have so many choices of things… View Full Article

Stressed out?

July 14, 2019
It,s really  strange in the summer every one seems more stressed than in the winter.  Maybe its because in the summer we are so limited in   time that you have nice weather that you want to do too much. I am also noticing that people are more willing to talk about their stresses.  Perhaps it’s… View Full Article

who are you?

February 13, 2019
Its taken me a while to get back on a new path.  Life  changes and hopefully we change for the best.  If we choose to listen and watch what the universe puts in our path–we will see that there are no accidents. And that brings me to a book I am reading.  Usually, I finish… View Full Article

America the summer of 2018

June 26, 2018
Is there hope?  Being basically an optimist I am usually hopeful–but this year I am filled with uncertainty. Almost every day I  call  Republicans or Democrats to complain.  I know this cannot be good for myself or the country that a citizen feels they must try and be heard. It seems that the only ones… View Full Article

“Nourishing Happiness”

July 29, 2017
Thich Nhat Hanh came up with the phrase “nourishing happiness”, and he is right.  We make a mistake when we are not constantly  aware of what we do and how it impacts our happiness.  Many times we have choices and we do not analyze how we truly feel and so we wind up making bad… View Full Article

Freeman Not Ready To Retire

April 10, 2017
There is a wonderful article in the Chicago Tribune  that actually came from LA-about Morgan Freeman and the  new movie., “Going in Style”.  I haven’t seen the movie but the article is great and I will see it soon. I hope you all will take the time to read it– because it really sums up… View Full Article

What are you doing today?

March 29, 2017
Yes, that is right. You are alive and hopefully well—so doing something to make this a special day that you might normally forget–they used to say “smell the roses”. However, you might not have have any near by—but you can stop and be quiet for a few minutes to let your brain regenerate to help… View Full Article


January 24, 2017
I am very sorry for Trump and I hope he listens to his staff.  Maybe its too soon to tell but it is getting a bit frightening to see him over and over discuss the election. I am hopeful that he will do something to help Chicago.  Obama really missed his chance .  I disagree… View Full Article

The March-Battling Bella

January 22, 2017
I think that the March was wonderful and I agree the future is in the next election. I hope that women do not get discouraged by the fact Trump ignored the March. It could have been a wonderful opportunity to start a healing process and I truly believe he doesn’t care. I can only join… View Full Article

If 2017 means any change-you must separate Ego and Intuition

January 5, 2017
Dear All, I am firmly convinced that if you want to make any progress in learning how to enjoy being alive, you must learn to separate  your EGO and INTUITION.  There are many people who have written in this area but Sonia Choquette its the best.  Why because her answers are clear and easy to… View Full Article

January 2017

January 3, 2017
Hey, we made it!  Unfortunately we know people who didn’t –so count your blessings and here are some ideas for 2017. 1.Change your daily routine.  Make your brain wonder- what are you doing? Say you are thankful      for being alive. 2. If you get up and brush your teeth first thing–do it second…. View Full Article

Welcome 2017

December 31, 2016
Let us welcome 2017. I am thankful to be alive and those I care about are still here too.  Many have had a hard year but we are ON THE RIGHT SIDE OF THE DAISES. Please do not make promises to yourself that you cannot keep.  These resolutions can cause a lot of stress and… View Full Article

Goodbye 2016

December 31, 2016
  Good Bye, 2016–it was very stressful with family and friends illnesses and the political situation in America.  I am sorry to say that I will not miss Obama, I thought I would– but as someone who wasn’t Jewish said, “in the last 40 years the American Government has stood behind Israel because the Palestinians… View Full Article

Be Aware–Breast Cancer

December 26, 2016
A few month ago a very dear friend was diagnosed with Breast Cancer.  We all know people who have or have had it–but the reason Im writing is a WARNING!! SIX MONTHS–before it was discovered, she a had a mammogram  that was FINE!  She just happened to go to the doctor and it was found…. View Full Article

Wonderful To Be Alive

December 26, 2016
Yes the holidays can be very stressful  but as you find moments of pure pleasure, I hope you will give thanks that you are on The Right Side of the Daises .  Remember someone who isn’t ; and, send a thought message out them. It is hard for me to believe that it is a… View Full Article

Michelle Obama

December 20, 2016
Hats off to Michelle Obama who came on television today and explained that they would be behind Trump and help in any way that  they are needed. Yes, she did have a problem with some of what Trump said, but he won.  And they will be there for him.  At the same time we have… View Full Article

Make A Happiness List

December 20, 2016
Yes, take a piece of paper and make a list of at least ten things that  make you happy! Sometimes we forget what we are  happy and thankful for– spending time on what makes you unhappy. Look around and see something that makes you happy, a person, place or thing (all of the above)–it can… View Full Article