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More Weight?-ugh (help?)

December 8, 2015
I recently went on a four day vacation- it was an eat and drink marathon.  I wish they had a Grey Goose diet–but Mayos didn’t when I was up there this summer.  I came  home 4 lbs up.  Going into the next few weeks, this is a disaster. I didn’t know what to do and… View Full Article

Bel Canto?

December 8, 2015
Last night we went to the new opera in Chicago, at the Lyric Opera House–Bel Canto.  You might have heard about it because it was dealing with a hostage situation in Peru.  There was a lot of hype on the radio etc about the timing of this production.   They didn’t know about California, Paris… View Full Article

High Cholesterol?

December 7, 2015
Maybe age and stage but it seems that many people are turning to drugs to lower cholesterol. However, there are Cholesterol-lowering options. And I was surprised to see an excellent article in the Mayo Clinic Health letter. Many people take statins–seems to be the rage and then they think they can eat anything. If your… View Full Article

Interesting News Letter

December 7, 2015
I get a lot of interesting news letters and many have some information that you might enjoy. Recently I received the Winter 2016 AICR news letter.(American Institute for Cancer Research) I have been receiving this for many years- way before my husband had cancer. Infact, when I was very young, I was on the Women’s… View Full Article

Intercessory Prayer

November 29, 2015
Intercessory prayer is the act of praying on the behalf of others. There have been studies on this and nothing is truly conclusive–so why do I want to start a link to a page where you can have me list someones name and we will all pray for them. By all, I mean anyone who… View Full Article

Did you Gain some weight?

November 29, 2015
Yes, I gained some weight over the weekend. And, I have some interesting news.  In the Mayo Clinic Health Letter, November 2015, someone asked in their Second Opinion column Q.” Is the 5:2 diet recommended for weight loss? A. Yes if it helps you cut calories. The 5:2 diet is a form of intermittent fasting…. View Full Article


November 29, 2015
I am sorry to say that many people have trouble with forgiveness.  I have trouble understanding why?  Yes, if someone beats you, of course I can understand physical harm, but words?  I don’t understand and because this seems to be such a large issue I thought that I would quote someone that I respect who… View Full Article


November 29, 2015
Yes, Thanksgiving was started in in 1621 , as the pilgrims had a feast celebrating their harvest. Today, people create their own harvest on their table.  Many people enjoy recipes from their relatives and others create new recipes.  Many people over eat and the next day the exercise machines are on over load.  Its usually… View Full Article

Finding a Path?

November 22, 2015
Im not certain if there is a definition that is applicable to everyone, because we are all individuals. And the more people I meet, the more the differences show, as well as, the similarities.  I know that sounds strange but I think its true .  The differences are in the interpretation  of hearing what someone… View Full Article


November 13, 2015
Many years ago when I was growing up in Denver Colorado and I was having a bad day—my father used to say “ You’re on the Right Side of the Daises”,  you should enjoy life! Who am I? I am a 70ish women who has had a very interesting life and hopefully it will continue. I… View Full Article

Wrong side of the daisies

November 13, 2015
When  Mayos discovered cancer in my husband, and he was visible in excellent health,  we were shocked and  I decided to return to my spirituality. When you’re  told that your spouse  of  42 years should get his affairs in order-you go into shock.  The kidney Cancer that my husband had is called the “mens silent… View Full Article

Why Spirituality?

November 13, 2015
In the early 1970’s I went to a lecture by Deepak Chopra, and I read his book Quantum Healing. It was an excellent book and he was wonderful.  That was the start into spiritual people.  Since then I have read numerous books, many that I will discuss.  And have been to seminars, or had  personal… View Full Article