What are you doing today?

March 29, 2017

Yes, that is right. You are alive and hopefully well—so doing something to make this a special day that you might normally forget–they used to say “smell the roses”.

However, you might not have have any near by—but you can stop and be quiet for a few minutes to let your brain regenerate to help you find the path you were meant to be on.

Thats easy to say but HARD to do.  I am not talking about meditation–that is wonderful  but this is different–its just stopping and enjoying to the still.  It is learning how to just BE with no other agenda.

Its sounds easy but is very hard to do and needs  practice –once you do learn it can truly help you find a fuller path. Learning to let go of everything.  I started this experience when I was just on a Safari.  There wasn’t any talking and the quiet of the bush was awakening.  I am trying very hard to find quiet in my apartment and I have found since my exposure things are starting to change in the way I view myself-

the world and the people in it.  I will address this further later.

Have a wonderful and try being still. xo

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